Friday, March 17, 2017


All 3 of my kaleidoscopes use bi-axial symmetry. The shapes caused by the bi-axial symmetry made each picture unique as it adds a nice structure to base the rest of the picture on. The strong part of my pictures are the structures created from the shapes caused with bi-axial symmetry. I could have used something other than the bucket tool to get colors into the picture.
I used a lot of triangles formed from the polygonal lasso tool in order to do most of the very back parts of the pictures and to make sure certain shapes were bi-axial when entering the center horizontal and vertical axis. The magic wand tool was to get more than just geometrical shapes so the pictures could have something unique to them. The easiest part of the project was lining the different shapes up to form the symmetry. The most difficult part was using the lasso tools because of how they would sometimes be off when trying to make a base and height triangle of 5 inches perfectly which would then cause gap issues which I'd have to fix.

I achieved the goal of performing symmetry by making sure each shape would be symmetrical to then allow the picture to be bi-axial. I would do the coloring differently because instead of just replacing colors with one color, it'd be better to do shading of different colors with each object. I'd rate my effort a 7/10 because I feel like the pictures could've had more going on but i wasted too much time figuring out how to use the tools in the first 2 classes which forced me to rush out the kaleidoscopes.

1 comment:

  1. Effort:4
    Submission of all work:4
    Artist Reflection:4
    AMAZING! Reminds me of Native American tribal blankets. The color combinations are perfect.

